Once again: Lung Cancer is No Match for God’s Healing Power

During surgery the doctors removed the lower lobe of Rayford’s right lung which contained the a malignant tumor.  They also did many biopsies which have all been clear of cancer cells.  At this point in time, Rayford will not need chemo or radiation!  We are all thrilled and praising God for his goodness. I talked to Rayford a couple of days ago and he is slowing getting his strength back, and looking forward to resuming his previous busy lifestyle, serving the Lord as he loves to do.  We are totally grateful for God’s care of Rayford.

Update on Rayford: Surgery today on His Cancerous Lung

The doctors are to be commended.  They have wasted no time; let no grass grow.  They have scheduled almost on a daily basis tests and procedures for Rayford.  It seems that for so many patients getting these things done take months.  Not in Rayford’s case.  I think it has been about three weeks since his diagnosis and he had surgery today!

It appears that his lung caner is localized in the lower lobe of his right lung.  The plan was open up Raford’s lung and check to see if the cancer had appeared to spread.  If so, the doctors were going to remove the entire lung.  If not, then they were just going to remove the lower lobe.

I understand that there was also a spot on the upper part of that lung that was of a concern.  During surgery it was decided that the cancer was indeed contained in the lower lobe ,and so that  was removed.  Also when they went to check on the spot located in the upper lung area, they couldn’t find it!!!  Thank you, Lord.

I think there is a possibility that Rayford will not even need chemo or radiation.  Post surgery tests and procedures will indeed confirm that.

Thank you, Father, for your presence today with your servant, Raford.  We praise you for taking care of him and taking away the extra cancerous concern.  You alone are the Great Healer.  Be with Rayford this evening.  Keep him comfortable and give his wife comfort and rest.  In the name of Jesus, amen.

Rayford: A True Servant of Our King

He seems to be one of those ‘ageless’ people.  You know.  He never seems to get older.  He looks and acts exactly the same as he did when I first met him almost 15 years ago, full of life, energy, and optimism  There are many things that can be shared about Rayford, but I choose to sum up this man and his life as being one of service to God.

A few days ago I found out that Rayford has lung cancer.  During a conversation with his wife i learned more details about his illness.  His cancer, named lung adenocarcinoma is in his right lung. There are many tests still to be run and much information they still do not have. At this point no decisions have yet been made regarding treatment.

I have been very impressed with how quickly these tests are being done.  When I commented on that observation to Rayford’s wife, she responded with, “Well, it’s because we’ve been ‘needling’ them.”  Their daughter has come home for a few days and has also done her share of ‘needling’.

When it comes to this type of health care, a few comments like, “Is there any reason why we can’t get that test done this week?” is always a good thing.  Most of the time when cancer is involved, being slow is not helpful for the patient.  That’s my opinion, anyway.  It pays to be proactive, not passive in these situations.

Please pray for Rayford, his wife, and their only daughter.  Their only granddaughter is getting married soon.  Pray that they will be able to attend.  Pray for God’s wisdom, strength, grace and healing.